RCG Network
Our Network
In a world-first, the RCG network uses 4G Multi-Operator Core Network (MOCN) technology whereby all three NZ mobile networks are using the same radio spectrum band for the first time. This means all three providers will share one piece of infrastructure including the pole, antenna, power, and backhaul.
Spark, One NZ , and 2degrees have allocated 700MHz spectrum to RCG, to enable the 4G LTE (Long Term Evolution) with VoLTE (Voice over LTE or high-definition calling) rural network.
RCG will mainly use 700 MHz frequency because it is the spectrum best suited for rural users, and this will be supported with 1800 MHz and 2100 MHz frequencies if additional capacity is required.
A small number of our sites will have a 3G MORAN – Mobile Operator Radio Access Network overlay, mainly on sites along state highways and at tourist locations.
We are tasked with building a world-class network with minimal funding and therefore our site designs are innovative, cost-efficient, and built to meet the needs of users. Our sites can be 10m – 40m in height depending on where they are located, how many people they need to provide coverage to, or we could use a small cell to provide an island of coverage at a remote walking track or tourist hotspot car park.
Each site is required to meet government targets of providing fast wireless broadband, connectivity to a tourist location, and/or coverage to rural state highways.
Our infrastructure will also accommodate equipment from at least one local Wireless Internet Service Provider (WISPA).
To find out more about how the RCG network operates our Network Fact Sheet is here.
To check if you are in 4G coverage please call your service provider Spark, One NZ, or 2degrees or visit;